My name is Iris Arden. This website is dedicated to all the people that I have met around the world; both the dearest and nearest, the friends and family, the work colleagues and those that I met just for one minute or one hour but was able to make a difference to their life. Through a natural-born gift of wisdom, talent and years of experience I have decided to combine inner and outer awareness to empower and share my wisdom with my abilities to guide and provide you an abundance of Joy through uncovering your destiny and unlocking the complex questions and issues you were never able to get an answer for. This website will combine a world of information on any questions/issues that you might have and I promise that here you will find the answers and directions you always longed for.
With my guidance and with my products you can follow a life path that leads to the road of happiness. This is your opportunity to perform inner and outer housekeeping of your mind, body and soul.
I have seen through my business life and my years of living people needing help. I made the choice to help those who are asking for it. I have been doing this for as long as I can remember and my story is one that is unique and lends itself to me being in this current position and the opportunity to help you.
Ever since I was a little girl, I have always been interested in writing songs, poetry and keeping detailed journals. These interests and hobbies taught me that life is not all about material success, but rather, enlightenment of the spirit is just as important. I had been given a gift, the ability to see the world from different perspectives. This mind frame has stayed with me since then and has helped me to show people their true destinies and has let me to find not only happiness with myself, but material wealth as well.
After finding international success in the Underwriting and Risk Management fields, I have come to realize that I have a mission in life. Through the accomplishments and abundance that I have achieved I needed share my wisdom with anyone that is looking to make a change in their life. I started studying, and mastered the field of numerology to help other and it allows me to uncover and reveal a person’s deepest issues just by examining their birth numbers. Numerology further gave me an opportunity to examine my own questions and dilemmas as my life has continued. From here on out, I have tried to help and befriend as many people as I could. I have reached a balance of spiritual life and material life and want you to experience that with me. My goal is to help people find their destiny and to fill their lives with positive energy and to remove any negative energy.
In addition while inspiring people, I have decided to launch a line of cosmetics and perfumes to lift your spirits and to give you a youthful look, you so crave.
Let me help you together we will see the direction for a healthy and fulfilling life. This website has been an undertaking that I could not have completed without the worldwide testimonials from people who encouraged me to showcase my talent and my wisdom.
I Wish You All the Best,
Iris Arden